Monday, December 8, 2008

4 post

5- commments
  • love alone isnt enough ; many say never to marry your soulmate
  • a relationshiop is about growing and deleveloping together
  • many expect to much while - others expectto little at the same time
4- questions
3- definitions
2- LT
1- summary


  • 49% of black women (30-34) have never married ; while 20% white women never marry. this means that Blacks intend to reach a higher level education thenm their checklist is harder to reach.
  • many male care more about looks than other things.
  • online dating is very misleading.
  • many Gen-Xers have go to therapy when being confused
  • many Gen-Xers went online for relationships
4- questions
  • why do they need a section for apperance?
  • does online dating help ?
  • was peter scared?
  • does he really care for Molly as much as he does for his ex's ?

3- defintions
  • Conunfrum
  • buoyant
  • veneration
  • i have butterflies in my stomach
  • an ocean of women and men.

1- summmary
  • this section was bout online dating, and how many Gen-Xers are having high expectations